Inheritance law
Winblad & Jeanlo can help you when you are preparing your will:
Help you sort out and understand what you need to do and why.
State your true wishes so they will be carried out the way you want them to be.
Make sure your will follows the law.
Reduce the risk of conflict among your loved ones after your death.
We can also make notes on your mental capacity to confirm that you are mentally fit to make a will.
We will ensure you’ve considered all aspects of your estate.
Winblad & Jeanlo are also authorized to contest a will and file a lawsuit to challenge the validity of a last will and testament.
Deed of Gift
A Deed of Gift (gåvobrev) is a legal document, signed by the donor, as a conclusive proof that the valuable objects, heirlooms or money was actually given to the person. The donor can condition the gift and how it will be spent or used.
Winblad & Jeanlo will assist you in fulfilling such documents and make sure it´s properly legally executed.